There is a square grid of size 𝑛×𝑛. Some cells are colored in black, all others are colored in white. In one operation you can select some rectangle and color all its cells in white. It costs min(ℎ,𝑤) to color a rectangle of size ℎ×𝑤. You are to make all cells white for minimum total cost.

The square is large, so we give it to you in a compressed way. The set of black cells is the union of 𝑚 rectangles.

大致题意 📖

有一个n×n(n<=1e9)n \times n (n <= 1e9)的矩阵,其中有m(m<=50)m (m <= 50) 个黑块,其余为白块,你可以选择一个n×mn \times m矩阵,将其染成白色,费用为min(n,m)min(n,m),求将涂染成全白的最小费用

链接 🔗

「CodeForces 1198E」 Rectangle Painting 2

题解 ❓

相较上个问题,maxmax -> minmin ,因此可以知道,只选[1,m]或[n,1]是最优的,因为费用都为 11


    ll x,y,r,c;
ll fx[maxd],fy[maxd],tot,sx,sy;
int main()
//    __IN;__OUT;
    ll n,m; RLL(m);RLL(n); init();
        RLL(fx[sx]);a[i].x = fx[sx++];
        RLL(fy[sy]);a[i].y = fy[sy++];
        RLL(fx[sx]);a[i].r = ++fx[sx++];
        RLL(fy[sy]);a[i].c = ++fy[sy++];
    sx =  unique(fx,fx+sx) - fx;
    sy =  unique(fy,fy+sy) - fy;
    s = 0, t = sx+sy+1;
    FOR(i,1,sx-1) addedge(s,i,fx[i] - fx[i-1]);
    FOR(i,1,sy-1) addedge(sx - 1 + i,t,fy[i] - fy[i-1]);
        a[i].x = lower_bound(fx, fx + sx, a[i].x) - fx;
        a[i].y = lower_bound(fy, fy + sy, a[i].y) - fy;
        a[i].r = lower_bound(fx, fx + sx, a[i].r) - fx;
        a[i].c = lower_bound(fy, fy + sy, a[i].c) - fy;
        for (int x = a[i].x; x < a[i].r; x++)
            for (int y = a[i].y; y < a[i].c; y++)  addedge(x + 1, sx + y, 2e9);
    return 0;