标签:# 三元环

「HDU 6184」Counting Stars

Little A is an astronomy lover, and he has found that the sky was so beautiful!

So he is counting stars now!

There are n stars in the sky, and little A has connected them by m non-directional edges.

It is guranteed that no edges connect one star with itself, and every two edges connect different pairs of stars.

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无向图三元环计数 O(msqrt(m))O(m sqrt(m))O(msqrt(m)) ll solve(ll n,ll m) { ll a,b; FOR(i,1,n) { RLL2(a,b);e.pb(P(a,b)); ++d[a],++d[b]; } FOR(i,1,m) { ll u = e[i].first,v = e[i].second; if(d[u] < d[v] || (d[u] == d[v] && u > v)) swap(u,v); G[u].pb(v); } ll ans = 0; FOR(i,1,n) { for(auto u:G[i]) vis[u] = i; for(auto u:G[i]) for(auto v:G[u]) if(vis[v] == i) ans++; } return ans; } 有向图三元环计数 先将图转化为无向图,然后用无向图方法求出三元环,因为数量不超过O(msqrt(m))O(m sqrt(m))O(msqrt(m)) 所以可以求出来以后在在原图上判断该三元环是否存在 竞赛图三元环计数 先考虑所有方案数,任选三点的方案数为Cn3C_n^3Cn3​ 然后去掉不合法的,对于一个点iii,不可能存在一个三元环,不可能存在两条出边来至该点 因此对于该点的方案数为 C∣d[i]∣2C_{|d[i]|}^2C∣d[i]∣2​ 所以总方案数为 Cn3−∑inC∣d[i]∣2C_n^3 - \sum_i^n C_{|d[i]|}^2 Cn3​−i∑n​C∣d[i]∣2​
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